Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Judge Dismisses Child Rape Case. Why?

Cleveland, Ohio -- Judge Eileen Gallagher dismissed a child rape case because the prosecutor was late to court.

The little girl was only 10 years old at the time of the rape, and is now 16 years old. Her mother says she feels victimized by the judge's decision.

[Full Story Here]

And we wonder why we have such a terrible crime problem here in the USA ...

I think the judge should be removed from office. Then she should be raped, and her own rape trial should be later dismissed.

The rapist should be executed in the following way: first his genitals should be sawed off with an old, rusty saw. Then he should be left to bleed to death. If he doesn't bleed to death, he should be doused in gasoline and set on fire, then left for dead. If he still isn't dead, leave him alone until he dies of hunger. (No offense to anyone. That's just what I think should happen to ALL rapists.)

But that's just my hiney-whiney little opinion :D

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