Death Trivia
Anomolies Unlimited has an interesting death trivia page [here].
It's pretty spooky! But it fits in well with Halloween :)
Blogging internet and news oddities since May 2006
Anomolies Unlimited has an interesting death trivia page [here].
It's pretty spooky! But it fits in well with Halloween :)
Posted at
5:17 PM |
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The beam can slice through metal from a distance of nine miles, and is precise enough to hit the tire of a moving vehicle without igniting the fuel tank or passenger area.
Here are a few articles about it:
[UPI Article]
[The Engineer Online Article]
[Earth Times Article]
[PR Newswire Article]
[Aero-News Network Article]
Go Boeing :)
Posted at
5:02 PM |
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This is a pretty cool time lapse video of the northern lights in British Columbia, September 24, 2006.
Click Play below, or [click here] to watch it at YouTube.
Posted at
4:35 PM |
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Yup, these bean bag chairs are designed to look like body bags. There's got to be nothing more comfortable than gettin' cozy sitting on a dead body. Yeah ... err, right.
[See the site here]
Posted at
4:09 PM |
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A survey of over 1500 American adults has shown that most Americans "re-gift". That is, they take items given to them and in turn give them away as gifts to others.
Of those who took the survey, 52% admitted to re-gifting items, and 78% of those surveyed said that re-gifting is acceptible some or most of the time.
[Full Story Here]
Posted at
2:22 PM |
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John Petrucci is one of the most amazing guitar players in the world. His painstaking attention to detail and the complexity of his music is simply amazing. Everybody should be able to hear this guy play.
Posted at
3:41 PM |
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Is it possible to become overwhelmed with cuteness? At Cute Overload, they try to do just that. They search the web for the cutest of cute pictures, and post them in a collection for you to enjoy.
[Click Here] to visit!
Posted at
11:15 AM |
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"Doodle" by squidsoup is a fun tool that allows you to draw three dimensionally.
Instructions: Click and drag to make a mark. Drag faster to make a thin mark, slower to make a thick mark. To rotate the drawing, release your mouse button and move the curser toward the edge of the picture. To erase what you have drawn, right click.
Cool stuff -- [Click Here]
Posted at
8:33 AM |
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Almost everyone should be familiar with the Trix rabbit. Well, almost everyone in the US anyway.
Here he is on one of his original boxes in the early 1960's:
And here he is today:
Let's compare:
The once calm and mellow character is now a wide-eyed explosion of hyperactivity. Notice the panicked expression, bared teeth, and manic demeanor. From his contorted posture, it's difficult to tell if he's chasing after something in over-excitement or running for dear life in terror. In fact, he's running so fast that his eyebrows are literally flying off of his head! Even the cereal is practically leaping out of the bowl at him.
The "new" Trix Rabbit somewhat resembles a crack addict in comparison to the original. He almost looks ... well ... scary.
Be on the lookout for this dangerous, rabid creature on the prowl for your children at a cereal aisle near you.
Posted at
6:09 PM |
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A study has found that taller women are more likely to have twins. The article also mentions that an earlier study found that pregnant women who consume dairy are five times more likely to have twins.
[Full Article]
So for all the tall pregnant women out there who want to have twins, drink plenty of milk :)
Posted at
5:19 PM |
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If shown a picture, can you tell if someone is Chinese, Japanese, or Korean? How accurate are you?
They've made an interesting test [HERE].
I didn't do very well ... I only scored a 7. How did you do?
Posted at
5:03 PM |
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This flickr album is pretty cool. It's a collection of children's product labels from the 1950's.
As of now, it has about 222 photos to browse through.
[Click Here]
Posted at
3:41 PM |
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Have you ever wondered what it's like to live in a war zone? This interesting and deeply moving article presents four short stories of normal people living in Baghdad. They talk about how their lives have changed in response to the increasing violence there.
Note: The graphic descriptions may disturb some readers.
[Click Here]
Reading this makes me want to help somehow. But I have no idea what to do ...
Posted at
2:58 PM |
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Our first view of the famous Mars Face came from a Viking orbiter 30 years ago, and it looked like this:
The European Space Agency has managed to take higher resolution photos with a ground resolution of about 13.7 meters per pixel. This is what they have released:
You can read more about it [here].
Posted at
6:05 PM |
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Check it out! Revisit some funny fashion embarrassments, sure to make you point and laugh :)
[Click Here]
Posted at
5:03 PM |
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Hilarious video! Hit "Play" below, or [click here].
Of course, there's more to the story than just the video.
[Click here] to read more of the story.
Posted at
4:57 PM |
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Have you ever wondered what lightning strike survivors were doing when they got struck, and how the strike affected their lives?
Well here's a list of Lightning Survivor Stories from the National Weather Service. Considering some people were doing things as seemingly harmless as fixing a car in a garage or talking on a phone indoors when they were stuck by lightning, it's an informative read and provides good safety info.
(You can click on the victims' names to read their individual stories.)
[Link Here]
Posted at
3:19 PM |
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NBC and the makers of "Veggie Tales" (a Christian-themed cartoon) signed a contract.
After the contract was signed, the makers of "Veggie Tales" were told that any references to God must be edited out of the shows.
The censorship includes the removal of the "Veggie Tales" core tagline, "Remember kids: God made you special, and he loves you very much."
NBC says "Veggie Tales" must be censored like all of its other cartoons. They say that children must be protected from negative influences.
Nevermind the fact that all of NBC's other cartoons are filled with meaningless hyperactive violence, fighting, and explosions -- apparently those don't negatively affect children. But telling a kid that God loves them is the shock of the century and simply cannot be broadcasted.
[Full Story Here]
No wonder all those Islamic terrorists say that the USA is evil.
Posted at
7:38 AM |
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The car theif was 14 years old. People saw that he was having trouble driving the manual shift vehicle, so they gave him advice and impromptu driving lessons.
Hilarious story. [Click Here]
Posted at
9:22 PM |
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The jolly man in the red suit has officially consumed too many twinkies. The ice caps at the north pole are cracking under his weight.
There is no word yet on how many elves and reindeer are in danger.
(No, really.... the ice caps are cracking)
[Article Here]
Posted at
9:45 PM |
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A study has shown that women who receive breast implants are 73% more likely to commit suicide than women without breast implants.
Other studies have examined the suicide rate among women who have undergone various other types of cosmetic surgery, and they also conclude that women who receive cosmetic surgery have a higher suicide rate.
Women who choose to augment their bodies tend to have lower self-esteem and more mental disorders than women who choose not to.
[Full Article Here]
Just another reason for us ladies to learn to like our own bodies.
Posted at
11:16 PM |
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Have you ever wondered why we itch? I have.
This article explains it pretty well. [Click Here]
It just goes to show, you never know what you're going to learn today :P
Posted at
3:04 PM |
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Very interesting site [here]. They have many other designs, including purses and Spongebob Squarepants.
The concept is cool -- you can see your flashdrive physically become "full" as its memory fills up.
Posted at
7:57 AM |
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Posted at
9:32 AM |
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The human papilloma virus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted disease that causes cervical cancer. 3,700 women die of cervical cancer every year. Fortunately, a vaccine has been made to prevent women from contracting HPV. The best time to receive the vaccination is before sexual activity starts.
The state of Michigan has issued legislation that would require all girls attending public school to receive the vaccination before entering the 6th grade. There are provisions for parents to opt out for medical, moral, or philosophical reasons. [Story Here]
Of course, some parents are outraged. They say that this sends the message to kids that underage sex is okay. What these parents don't understand is that whether underage sex is "okay" or not, their own children have a 62% chance of becoming sexually active anyway.
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, [View PDF File]:
Posted at
2:30 PM |
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A woman's obsession with toothpaste has lead her to take two pictures of her toothbrush (with toothpaste on it) every day, and upload them to her Flickr album.
As of now, there are 519 photos in her album.
[Wanna See?]
Posted at
8:14 PM |
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This article is quite interesting. It's the first fashion show to impose such a ban, and it may be setting a precedent.
Many women's groups claim that the overly-thin models create a dangerous image for young girls to imitate. They say that fashion's and Hollywood's obsession with dangerously unhealthy slim performers is contributing to the rise in eating disorders among teenage girls.
The fashion industry claims that it is merely a reflection of society.
I don't know about anyone else, but I've never seen someone this thin in my entire life. So much for being a reflection of my society. Perhaps Hollywood and the fashion world moved to a poor starving African nation without telling anyone?
[Story Here]
Posted at
1:53 PM |
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"The machine was programmed to disburse $20 bills. So, for example, taking $200 from your account would usually mean you got 10 bills. “The suspect made the ATM believe it was giving $5 bills, but the user was still getting $20s, so a user would end up with four times the amount of cash, but their account would still show only a $200 debit,” explained Va. Beach police spokeswoman Margie Long."
Posted at
8:26 AM |
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Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda is a former heroin addict, ex-convict, & divorced father of 4. And he claims to be Jesus Christ in human flesh.
His ministry, "Growing in Grace, Inc", teaches that all other faiths (Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, and ALL other faiths) must be destroyed, and that the only "true race" is the race of his followers -- mostly Hispanic.
"I will be president of the biggest government that this earth has experienced," he says.
Millions of idiots believe him.
[Article Here]
[Point and Laugh at His Website]
What a crock.
Instead of crucifixion, I suggest pelting him with tacos.
Posted at
4:30 PM |
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Five years after the World Trade Center attacks, volunteers are still working hard to find and identify human remains in the immediate area.
"About 760 specks and slivers of human bones have been discovered in recent months, after demolition began on this 41-story former bank tower known as the Deutsche Bank building, just south of where the World Trade Center once stood.
"Of the 2,749 people who were killed that day, the remains of some 1,150 have not been found."
Posted at
8:42 PM |
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Posted at
8:28 PM |
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This article is utterly cool for all of the true nacho fans out there.
[Click Here] to read about the history of nachos!
Posted at
6:38 PM |
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mmm ... Twinkies.
You know, Boeing could sell some advertising space on this one :P
There is more info on Boeing's new plane [HERE].
So after seeing this plane, I went to the Twinkies official website. There, I was greeted by a slim little girl being embraced by a happy-but-tired-looking mother. Just in case the front page changes, this is the image:
First of all, if this woman feeds her child twinkies, then her child is bulimic. Nobody can eat Twinkies and remain slim without puking it all up later.
This is a much more accurate picture:
Second, a "Twinkies Cookbook"? They must be joking. But they sadly aren't. [This Page] is full of Twinkie recipies -- taking the already-fattening Twinkie to make it even more fattening. Do people even care anymore about what they put into their bodies?
Third, Hostess does not even provide nutritional information about its products anywhere on the website. What does this suggest? It tells me that Hostess products are nutritional suicide, and the company knows it. Otherwise, Hostess would provide easily accessible nutritional information on its website like all of the other reputable food companies do.
I had to go to another website just to find the nutritional info. [Nutritional Info Here]
Let's see ... one itty bitty little 43 gram Twinkie has:
Posted at
11:04 AM |
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No, really -- Microsoft has actually designed a school in an underprivileged section of Philadelphia.
The school has implemented the latest technologies and has taken in an initial class of 170 lucky teenagers.
The school scheduled to eventually enroll 750 students.
The teaching/learning philosophy is quite different from traditional schools and sounds like an absolute dream to me.
The curriculum flexes with the students, allowing them to re-visit topics they don't understand or push forward through topics they have already mastered.
This way, no struggling child is left behind -- but no thriving child is held back either. Why couldn't the government have implemented this policy instead?
[Full Article Here]
Posted at
8:41 AM |
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A San Diego news reporter recently did an expose on a couple's alleged real estate scam. Note especially the word "alleged".
Regardless of the fact that no charges had even been filed against the couple, he broadcasts his expose on the couple, subjecting them to accusations and humiliation.
Nevermind the constitutional right of being considered "innocent until proven guilty". This reporter wants the public to find them "guilty before even being charged with a crime".
His first expose did not result in charges being filed against the couple. So what does he do? He goes back to their private home to further harass them.
This CNN video shows what happens next: [Click Here]
The reporter harasses the wife. The wife panics. After all, this is the man who is accusing her and her husband of committing a crime, and he's doing it by broadcasting it to the public masses.
The wife snaps and tells the reporter and crew to get off her property. The reporter indignantly plays "innocent" -- after all, he's trying to portray her as a criminal without giving her a chance to defend herself.
She happens to be holding a water bottle. She throws water on the camera to get it to stop rolling, but they continue to film, and the reporter continues to harass her.
She slaps the reporter in the face with the empty plastic water bottle, at which point, he plays the role of the martyr and extends his hand to her, sarcastically saying, "have a nice day".
The reporter deserved what happened next.
Her husband drives up, sees what's happening, and ruthlessly attacks the cowering reporter.
It's a beautiful scene: This incredibly rude and arrogant reporter, a mere doll of a man who could hardly handle getting spanked in the face by a little girl with an empty plastic water bottle, gets absolutely clobbered by her macho husband. Beautiful. It's like watching justice unfold.
Of course the police arrive within minutes and arrest both the wife and the husband for assault. The reporter sustained bruises, cuts, and gashes. The crippling injury to his massively oversized ego was understandably not reported.
CNN puts the video on their website, and it's an instant hit with the public. It's the most popular video at
Due to the popularity of the video, the reporter appears all over the national news to describe the ruthlessness of the ordeal. After all, he was savagely and viciously attacked by criminals. You can almost see a halo glowing over his pathetic little martyred head. Awwwww!
It's hilarious to watch the news media's response to this situation. They are playing innocent and placing this reporter on a martyr's pedestal. After all, the news media must consider it to be perfectly ethical and normal to smear the reputation of random people by exploiting them in the most public way possible, denying their constitutional rights to a fair trial through biased and ruthless reporting.
CNN has posted another video, pretending to be shocked by the public's enjoyment of his beating: [Click Here]
This video asks the important question:
"Whatever did he do to deserve this ... this ... (sniff, sniff) ... (whimper) ... terrible beating?"
Posted at
8:20 AM |
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Sam Thompson is a man on a mission: to run 50 marathons in 50 days to raise awareness and aid for the remaining devastation along the Mississippi Gulf Coast from hurricaine Katrina.
"Everything is not fixed."
Many families are still living in trailers. Many others still have not been reimbursed or provided housing, even as the anniversary of hurricaine Katrina nears.
And a new hurricaine season is on its way.
[View CNN Article]
[View Sam's Website]
Posted at
4:28 PM |
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This interesting site, DNA 11, makes unique art portraits of your DNA or fingerprints. What an interesting way to obtain personally unique artwork.
Thanks to Sirreene for the link! :)
Posted at
1:56 PM |
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Who can resist the temptation of bubble wrap?
Bubble wrap poppers will love this site. You can pop your own
"virtual bubble wrap":
[Click Here]
Special thanks to Sirreene for the link! :)
Posted at
6:57 PM |
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Here are a couple of hilarious videos. Imagine a 20-something Darth Vader trying to be a grocery store manager.
Enjoy :)
[Episode 1]
[Episode 2]
They have a website [here], if you would like to see more.
Posted at
7:00 PM |
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Nobody is really sure what Appalachian State University was thinking when it used this recruiting video in 2005. Nobody could possibly think highly of ASU after viewing this ...
View below, or click [here]
ASU: Toss your application in the garbage
ASU: Toss your application in the garbage
ASU: Toss your application in the garbage
Posted at
6:14 PM |
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From Dynomighty Designs, we have clever wallets designed to look like dot matrix paper, newspaper, airmail envelope, or reinforced Tyvek.
[Take a Look]
Posted at
6:05 PM |
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We've probably all seen the annoying commercial from "Head On", a headache remedy.
If you haven't seen it, you can see it [here]:
Yes, they actually play that hypnotic torture on television -- sometimes even more than once in a single commercial break.
The commercial has become the latest internet joke, with people posting parodies making fun of it. What kind of parodies? Here are a couple of examples:
Here's one parody [here]:
(If you can't tell, the guy is rubbing random objects "directly to the forehead".)
And another parody [here]: (contains a profanity)
Well the makers of "Head On" are now saying that they didn't intend for their commercial to be so aggrivatingly stupid that it prompts people to make fun of it.
[Full Article Here]
It looks like they're in for a few headaches. But they should know a remedy for that, now shouldn't they?
Posted at
9:49 PM |
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A 66-year-old woman on Social Security is being charged $6,000 because her grandchildren used kazaa to download music onto her computer.
She's not alone either.
You can even get sued even if you no longer own the computer that did the downloading. You are fair game if an IP address registered in your name was ever used to download content over peer-to-peer programs. So in other words, if you are the one who "pays the bill" for your internet service, *you're* the one who is held liable for damages -- not your kids, relatives, or friends who actually download the illegal files without your knowledge or consent.
[See the Article Here]
This is simply wrong. It's like slapping the owner of a stolen car with bank robbery charges because the car thieves used it as a getaway vehicle while robbing a bank. Crimes should not be transferable to innocent people.
Posted at
9:27 PM |
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PHILADELPHIA - A 21-year old kid was arrested for taking a picture of police with his camera phone.
The kid heard a commotion going on outside his house. So he grabbed his cell phone (which had a camera built-in) and walked onto his porch to investigate.
He saw the street lined with police cars. A drug dealer was getting arrested. He casually took a picture of the scene with the camera built into his cell phone.
According to a neighbor who witnessed the event, a police officer then walked into the kid's yard, grabbed him, threw him across a police car, and told him "You should have just went in the house and minded your own business instead of trying to take pictures off your picture phone."
Then the police arrested him for obstruction of justice and threatened to charge him with conspiracy, impeding an investigation, and obstruction of a investigation as well.
[Full Article Here]
This would be expected behavior in a communist society ... but ... here in the US? I'm shocked.
Posted at
3:52 PM |
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Posted at
3:16 PM |
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"Babytalk" magazine has received over 700 letters regarding this cover featuring a baby nursing.
People are outraged and disgusted. One woman even shredded the cover so that her teenage son wouldn't see the sinful "sexual content". Obviously she hasn't seen the dozens of "Playboy" and "Maxim" issues under his mattress or the porn files on his computer.
Other women say, "Men are sexually excited visually. A breast is a breast. It doesn't matter to them whether it's being used to feed a baby or if it's being used in a porn movie." Which in my opinion seems to be a degrading statement to the male gender. Men are human beings, not sexually rabid monsters.
Am I the only person alive who thinks that these people are over-reacting? Even at first glance, I thought it was a beautiful picture depicting a baby's innocent dependence on its loving mother.
It's only a breast. Why are people disgusted? At any shopping mall in my area, you will find dozens of fat girls sitting on benches, leaning forward with their pant waists sinking down past their slimy buttcracks, revealing butterfly tattoos and g-strings. That's perfectly acceptable.
It's also perfectly acceptable for teenage girls to dress like hookers and prance around with their breasts and buttocks partially exposed. But entirely covering a breast while feeding a hungry baby in a secluded area is NOT tolerated and is called "sexual".
Sometimes the world's most disgusting perverts masquerade in Puritan skin.
[Full Article Here]
Posted at
10:11 AM |
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The ZPC (zero footprint PC) looks pretty cool. The tower and mouse are built into the keyboard. This would save some desktop space, and would even allow for some portability.
The pricing is a bit funky -- a whole $1000 only gets you 512MB of ram and a tiny 80GB hard drive. It's definitely not for the gamer or graphics designer.
But for those seeking a space-saving system for basic use (email, internet browsing, etc), this seems like an interesting option.
[See the website]
Posted at
11:08 AM |
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The theives in the Indiana stolen "R"'s case have returned the R's to the local police department.
[Article Here]
Geez, just when our curiosity was getting peaked ...
Posted at
1:52 PM |
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Greencastle, Indiana has an interesting problem. Someone is going to all of the businesses around town, and stealing the letter "R" off of business signs.
One business owner exclaimed, "We've lost our Rs. And we want them back."
[Full Article Here]
Posted at
11:34 PM |
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Okay, this is just hysterical.
But you need to know the background of the phrase to understand the Calvin & Hobbes comic. So if you have no idea what "All your base are belong to us" is, you can read about it at Wikipedia [here].
"All your base are belong to us", Calvin & Hobbes style:
Posted at
9:38 PM |
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