Monday, July 17, 2006

KFC's "Famous Bowl", the Freakiest Fast Food Offering of All Time

According to the commercials, KFC's "Famous Bowl" consists of: "creamy mashed potatoes, sweet kernel corn, bite size pieces of all-white meat crispy chicken, topped with our homestyle gravy and 3-cheese blend" all crammed into one bowl.

My great-grandparents fed their pigs the same slop.

What were they thinking? Did they do any market research before releasing this?

Nutritional Info:
The bowl is packed with 720 calories, 290 fat calories, 32 grams of fat, 65 mgs of cholesterol, 2390 mgs of sodium, and 81 carbs.

Since all fast-food menu items have to "beat" the previous items by being bigger and having more stuff, let's predict KFC's next menu item:

"Creamy mashed potatoes topped with corn, fried chicken, gravy, and cheese, then doused with a medium Pepsi, topped with a cherry pie, then coated with french fries and deep fried to a golden crisp and topped with more cheese and gravy."

Any other ideas?


Anonymous said...

I saw the commercial for it, and was just waiting for the customer on the screen to tie a bib on and drop his face in it.

It'd be perfect! He could sit up with a mouthful, smile while bits of food were dropping from his mouth, and give it two thumbs up!

pretty sick.


Aubrew said...

wrapped in a burrito and re-fried