Sunday, July 30, 2006

Arrested for a camera phone picture

PHILADELPHIA - A 21-year old kid was arrested for taking a picture of police with his camera phone.

The kid heard a commotion going on outside his house. So he grabbed his cell phone (which had a camera built-in) and walked onto his porch to investigate.

He saw the street lined with police cars. A drug dealer was getting arrested. He casually took a picture of the scene with the camera built into his cell phone.

According to a neighbor who witnessed the event, a police officer then walked into the kid's yard, grabbed him, threw him across a police car, and told him "You should have just went in the house and minded your own business instead of trying to take pictures off your picture phone."

Then the police arrested him for obstruction of justice and threatened to charge him with conspiracy, impeding an investigation, and obstruction of a investigation as well.

[Full Article Here]

This would be expected behavior in a communist society ... but ... here in the US? I'm shocked.

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